Worthless - We don't even have a tagline. | Product Hunt

The most ✨worthless✨ SaaS on the planet

We don't even have a tagline.

Scroll down to learn more

By subscribing, you will instantly receive access to all of the following exciting goodies!

Bragging rights

A conversation-starter. Who wouldn't mind answering to the question "why?" or even "are you out of your mind?"


A flashy badge

It's not that flashy actually. Unless you purchase the lifetime supply nothing. We're not even kidding


Nothing useful

Most importantly, there's nothing of value we can offer. We don't have a product or provide a service


Our happy customer

Transparent pricing model that delivers exactly what you pay for. A lean, clean product with no unnecessary features. Integration into our stack was immediate, and uptime has been 100% with no bugs. Highly recommended!

Nicholas Cointepas

Nicholas Cointepas



Worthless subscription

What you'll get

  • Zero
  • Zip
  • Zilch
  • Nada
Subscribe for $7 per month


Lifetime supply of nothing

What you'll get

  • Same as subscription
  • Higher price
  • A special badge on your profile
  • Massive amount of nothing
Purchase one time for $500

Well, you might get a lousy badge.
Just like this one.

Worthless Badge WORTHLESS SINCE 2024/06